Thursday, May 19, 2011

How to achieve peace in life

This blog is in continuation with my earlier blog at URL

                             Ways for a Successful and Peaceful Life.

Endowed with happiness is a rare gift.
As per my personal experience many people wander to achieve a peaceful life.This made me curious about how to live a life which can be peaceful and my curiousity landed me to closely observe human perspective.
I observed that some people are materialistic,some are complacent.
I also found some important facts related to life and success and peace in life.
These Facts are known to each one of us but only thing is to put them in actions.
If we are a bigot of this facts then we can implement this.

One of the important Fact to achieve peace in life is
"Live your own Life peacefully and Let Others Live their life peacefully"
This above concept is very rarely accepted and implemented in the society.
We experience a different scenario.Some people dont live their own life peacefully
and try hard to disturb other people's happy and peaceful Life.
To understand irrational attitute of people view this story.
There were 2 enemies named Mr A and  Mr B.They both went to a dense forest for penance.
After a strong and deep penance of  25 years Lord appeared in front of Mr A.
Lord was extremely pleased with Mr A's devotion and asked him for a wish.
God also told Mr A that after granting him the wish, God will be appearing in fornt of Mr B 
to grant wish for Mr B too.
On hearing this Mr A's  evil attitute reached acme.To everyone's surprise what wish  Mr A
must have asked to Lord.He asked that Mr B's penance should not be sucessful and
Mr B should not be showered with peace and happiness throughout his life.
Lord granted Mr A his wish.
Down the line what Mr A ahieved  after practising hard penance of 25 years,nothing
constructive and great for himself but all evil wishes for Mr B.So what's the use of devoting
 25 years of life practicing deep penance if that devotion was not transformed into happiness
 by Mr A for himself.
Moral of the story  is if a person always wishes evil for others this same messages knowingly
or unknowingly is passed into his own self-conscious mind.the result is his own life gets
imbalanced,surrounded by sadness and envloped with evil things.
So to live own's life peacefully firstly stop thinking evil for others.Induce moral principles.
Dogmat your approach towards life.We must realise that the world we live in gets
transformed as per the thoughts that we visualise in mind.
So make an attempt to root positive things into your sub-concious mind to get fruitful results.

"Take the name of Lord"
The above fact is also one of the important and best way to achieve happiness in Life.
Whenever you are free just think of Lord.God is a Divine phenomenal supernatural power.
When you think of God,your thoughts automatically becomes divine.These divine thoughts
entirely modifies Human soul,attitute,their vision and humans put their actions for a
good cause in society they live in.
Whenever you are caught in a bad phase of life,go deep into your self-conscious mind,
think of your parents and god,respect,appreciate and believe the decesion that your
self-conscious mind provides you and see how victorious you become in your life
superceding all hurdles coming on your way.